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Terms and Conditions (GTC)

1. General

The offer of the website is directed exclusively to persons 18 years of age or older. Parents are responsible for their children.

2. Content

The operator of this website assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, completeness or quality of the information and illustrations. If the website operator has not proven willful misconduct or gross negligence, all liability claims against the operator, which refer to material or immaterial damages and errors that should have arisen from the use of incorrect or incomplete information on this website is excluded. All offers are not-binding and without obligation.

The operator expressly reserves the right, the entire web page and / or parts thereof without notice to amend, alter or discontinue the publication.

3. Links and similar

When referring to other Internet sites (links - directly or indirectly) the content of those sites are in principle outside the responsibility of the website owner or the author, and therefore no liability of the website owner can enter into force unless, had the operator of the content and its infringement of rights.

The operator explains that he either now or in the future has an impact on the content design of linked websites, which is why he expressly dissociates himself from all contents of such websites and any resulting claims, which always violate their rights. This applies to all on this website links and references, as well as for external entries in guest books, forums, mailing lists and the like.

The list of links and references represents no call to take part or to apply the relevant pages / links.

4. Offer

Vienna Diva Escort provides services exclusively on the basis of the published terms and conditions. Deviating conditions shall require the agreement between service agents and clients and have to be mutually confirmed. All customer information is kept confidential and not, unless otherwise provided by law, be passed on to third parties.

The offers are subject to change.

5. Contract object

Contract is the provision of services. The services consist of the provision of escorts for entertainment of the client for personal, business or other purposes. The client undertakes these escorts to require any activities that violate applicable law or otherwise, are inadmissible. Especially with such services any sexual or intimate contacts are agreed or mediated.

Failure to do by the contracting authority requires the exemption of brokered person / s of the service.

If the Principal agreed escort appointments only partially accepts or not to complete and the fault lies in its sphere, does not relieve him of the payment obligation in respect of the service booked. Rather, the mediated service is billed and considered to be provided - a replacement -wise performance of the service by the mediated person is no longer required.

The client is entitled for the period booked the service, or parts thereof, a substitute person to be named, with all the resulting extra costs (travel expenses, etc.) shall be borne by the customer. Furthermore, all the obligations arising from this contract the substitute are bind to.

The customer is liable for the proper payment of that part of the service / s, which was provided by the replacement person opposite.

6. Conclusion of the contract

A service contract is formed by a concurrence of wills and the appropriate explanation of the two parties to the contract (service broker and client) .

7. Prices

All agreed prices only apply to the underlying contract and are gross prices. All additional costs are the result of the person introduced (entrance fees, meals, drinks, travel expenses, etc. ) are paid by the client and are, unless otherwise agreed, not part of the services offered or mediated services.

8. Final provisions

Austrian law is applicable, place of jurisdiction is Vienna. Should individual provisions of this point completely or partially be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining points.